North area

Area Representative: Carrie Birmingham

The North area stretches all the way from Cheshire to Scotland, and includes Northern Ireland. As your area representative I am eager to network with you all, and have been running regular Zoom meetings to keep in touch and make contact with new members. Our in-person Area Days are on hold for the moment, but if there is any subject matter anyone is bursting to discover, please get in touch.

I’d like to help bring us all together to share resources, experiences and much more. Please do bring forward any ideas or requests and I will actively do my best to achieve these over coming months!

More about Carrie Birmingham, North Area Representative

Past North area events

24 February 2019, Manchester: Teaching children and young voices with Jenevora Williams

27 January 2018, Gateshead: Primal Voice in contemporary singing with Dane Chalfin

11 March 2017, Blackburn: Putting theory into practice – making sense of vocal science with Gillyanne Kayes

8 May 2016, Edinburgh: A practical approach to teaching different singing styles with Mary Hammond

North Area Contact

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