Summer 2024 Conference: Sunday

Sunday 21 July

Rebecca Moseley Morgan

Keynote from Rebecca Moseley-Morgan
Pedagogy for the Mature Voice

Rebecca Moseley-Morgan has recently completed a 10 year longitudinal doctoral study on the mature voice. This includes an awareness of how age-related changes may affect the voice, how to recognise these changes and how to target vocal functionality in order to maintain the longevity of the voice. It is widely recognised that singing is beneficial for both mental and physical health, therefore maintaining vocal functionality is of great importance. The exciting findings from this study demonstrate that vocal functionality can be maintained and singers can sing into senescence.


Jessie Thompson presenting an abstract at AOTOS Summer 2023 Conference
Jessie Thompson presenting an abstract at AOTOS Summer 2023 Conference


Mini presentations

2 x 15-minute presentations from AOTOS members and wider community.
We are welcoming submissions to present an abstract until 1 April 2024. Find all the details here.

NYC logo

How to work with singers in a choral context with practitioners from National Youth Choir

Jo Sear Summer Conference 2024

Practical workshop with Jo Sear
A workshop on where to begin when teaching rock and pop styles for the first time

Nicola Harrison Embodima Summer Conference 2024

Keynote from Nicola Harrison (followed by practical workshop)
Introducing EMBODIMA

Embodima is an elite motor training protocol for activating and coordinating the muscles of singing. Around 95% of these muscles are not under our conscious control let alone the complex coordinations required to create embodied vocalisation.

Embodima distills this complexity, offering a simple image and gesture for every vocal task from intervals of a third to far more complex tasks such as octave leaps, coloratura, legato, breath release, maintaining airflow and far more. In these two sessions we will look at the science and anatomy that lies behind Embodima, experiment with some images and work with these in a piece of music. We will then open the presentation out into a trainer-led workshop for attendees in the afternoon. This will be led by Nicola with Embodima trainers, Rachel Logan and Rebecca Cooch.


Choice of workshops:
- Embodima workshop led by Nicola Harrison
- NYC practical workshop

Panel discussion (1)

Final panel discussion with all speakers