Summer 2022 Conference

"Moving on Together"

22–24 July 2022
Clare College, Cambridge

After more than two years of isolation or disruption during a worldwide pandemic and three years since our last residential conference, we invite you to join us in the beautiful city of Cambridge at Clare College. We want to celebrate the increasing diversity of our membership in all aspects, infusing many of our sessions with live, in-person singing. Learn from and be inspired by some of the best vocal practitioners and thinkers in our sector. In-person booking has now closed, but there are a range of online packages to choose from: book for the whole conference, live stream the Saturday sessions or choose your own selection of recorded sessions. All of these will be available to watch for up to 30 days afterwards.

Gillespie Conference Centre, Clare College
Clare Bridge & Avenue, Clare College (1)
Clare Bridge, Clare College
Elton-Bowring Room