AOTOS Zoom Event: The Vocal Athlete – Why Knowing Physiology Matters

AOTOS Zoom Event: The Vocal Athlete – Why Knowing Physiology Matters

Event Details

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Live presentation with David McCabe

AOTOS members only

The Vocal Athlete – Why Knowing Physiology Matters

To reach higher levels of performance, the vocal athlete has to embrace the synthesis between the physical body and neuroscience. Many voice systems will focus on the physical elements of voice production – the anatomy of the voice. David’s presentation will help teachers understand what they are trying to accomplish with various exercises, allowing them to concentrate more effectively on each student’s progress, rather than just completing an exercise task.

About David McCabe

David is the CEO and Principal osteopath at Back2Life Clinics and a freelance anatomy lecturer in Scotland. Since starting his osteopathic training in 2000, he has been fascinated with human anatomy. For osteopaths, it is the subject they pride themselves on – their ‘Mastermind’ specialist subject you could say! David decided to take his passion further with an MSc in Human Anatomy with teaching at Edinburgh University. He has since taught anatomy at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. David is a founding member of OPACA, the Osteopathic Performing Arts Care Association. This is a group of osteopaths who have a special interest in the care of performers whether they be dancers, singers, actors or other performing groups.

This event is for AOTOS members only, please log in to view and complete the booking form.

Hosted by Kathleen McKellar Ferguson, AOTOS Scotland Area Representative

A recording of this event will be available to AOTOS member in the resources area of the website shortly afterwards.