Music Performance Anxiety: Tips for Preparing Students for Exams
Sunday 11 May
Adolescent singers who experience physical, mental and emotional changes along with voice change are particularly prone to the development of MPA. For adolescents high in fear of failure, achievement situations such as music performance or exams are not opportunities for improving but could be threatening and potentially shameful, thus creating a self-perpetuating cycle which maintains and exacerbates this fear. Mindset training for adolescents seems crucial to help them continue singing through puberty so they do not drop out of singing lessons during voice change and identity development.

About Anupa Paul
Anupa Elizabeth Paul is a voice and performance coach, researcher, and seasoned chorale trainer with over 12 years’ experience in coaching singers across diverse styles, including Western classical, pop, musical theatre styles. Based in Esslingen, Germany, Anupa is an accomplished guest lecturer, conducting workshops on vocal health, mindset techniques, and resilience for choirs, university professors, and music educators.
Anupa holds an MA in Vocal Pedagogy from the University of Wales Trinity St. David, with a focus on somatic learning and musical performance anxiety. She has presented research at conferences, such as the International Symposium on Performance Science and the Singing for Health Network.
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